On Saturday Tim raced the 6 Hours of Warrior Creek up in Wilksboro, and I went along as pit crew. It was an absolutely beautiful day. I lounged around under the pop up tent - no sunburn Mom. He had a decent race for his first one of the season.
As I was waiting for Tim to finish his laps, I read. I was able to start and finish The Yellow House by Patricia Falvey. It was a fabulous book. I just had to keep turning the pages. I'm going to discuss it with the Manic Mommies Book Club and the author on April 21.
Pit crews don't just get to read during the race. My responsibility was to feed Tim as he
came in for his laps. I made cookies (not from scratch), egg salad and a wonderful Waldorf Salad that you must try. I found the recipe on Never Enough Time. A chopped apple, chopped celery, walnuts and cranberries with a little mayo to hold it all together. YUM.
Just a perfect day spent outside together - each of us doing what we enjoy. We both came home dirty and tired.